Tuesday, June 2, 2015

John and Horace Dodge: Automotive Pioneers Discount !!

Title : John and Horace Dodge: Automotive Pioneers
Category: Rich & Famous
Brand: Titans of Fortune Publishing
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.0
Buyer Review : 4

Description : This John and Horace Dodge: Automotive Pioneers performs excellent, simple to operate and modify. The price of this is dramatically reduced compered to other areas My partner and i researches, and not far more as compared to related item

This specific thing delivers overtake out anticipation, this one has chaned into a fantastic replace on personally, The thought appeared properly and also quickly John and Horace Dodge: Automotive Pioneers

Catherine the Great owned a pearl necklace containing 389 pearls and weighing nearly 10 pounds, almost as heavy as the curse it carried for its owners. It was worth a million dollars when it disappeared at the beginning of the 20th century, only to resurface in the hands of the Dodge family. Then the two Dodge brothers, John and Horace, died within a year of each other. John was 55, Horace only 52. Their premature deaths in 1920, attributable to the worldwide influenza pandemic of 1918, ended one of the first chapters of American automotive history, but the Dodge name remains alive and well. They were different, unwilling or incapable of conforming to social expectations, but they were visionaries and indefatigable workers who helped Henry Ford build his company before starting their own. The Dodge story is a story of great wealth, yachts, entrepreneurship at its best, and a true American saga of two of the early 20th century's giant industrialists. [1,753-word Titans of Fortune article]

Review :
Much appreciated factual information, well researched and written.
An amazing story of two brothers and their incredible contributions to the early automobile industry. There probably would be no Ford Motor Company today, without the genius of these pioneers. The landscape of the industry would be very different today had the brothers not succumbed to the flu pandemic in 1920.

This "book" is only one chapter of a previous book by the same author!!!
Not really worth buying... Just get the earlier book by Daniel Alef. "The road well travelled, a history of the American automobile pioneers " and you will find this as a chapter word for word! It certainly does not cover the story of these two extraordinary brothers in any depth at all!

Was rather hoping for more pages @ this price also a picture or two would have been nice as well

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